Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Weekly Workout Recap: 1/5-1/11

WOW-- it's been a LOOOONG time since I've done one of these! As I SLOWLY get back into working out, I'll track my weekly workouts here.
Sunday, Jan. 5: None
Monday, Jan. 6: Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred

Tuesday, Jan. 7: 15 minute home made-up strength workout (while wearing Bailey in Moby Wrap... fun!!)
Wednesday, Jan. 8: Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred
Thursday, Jan. 9: Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred
Friday, Jan. 10: None
Saturday, Jan. 11: 3 mile run

To say I'm out of shape is an understatement, but I can tell with each workout, I'm verrrrry slowly getting better and better. Saturday's run felt waaaaaay easier than the one before. Speaking of... Woah! I can't believe I waited that long in between runs. With all the snow/ice/cold, it's really hard to run outside, which is my only option right now. Plus, I can't really do any mid-week runs right now, as we don't have a jogging stroller so I can't go with B during the day (even if we did have a jogging stroller, it's too snowy/icy right now anyway) and by the time the Hubs gets home it's pretty much dark and I want to spend time with him and B as a family. Family time trumps running time, hands down.  
I'm calling this a BIG WIN week. 5 days of working out with a 7-week old? VICOTORY in my book! As you can see, everything (minus the run, which was done outside) was done in my house. While I still have my work gym membership, they don't have a daycare (& I wasn't really up to leaving B at daycare before her first round of shots anyway) so it's home workouts for me. While I SO wish we had a treadmill so I could walk and/or run throughout the day (stupid ice & snow outside!), it is what it is. The home workouts are working for me right now. There's only so many hours in the day and a gym just isn't in the cards right now. Gotta make due with what you have.

1 comment:

  1. I've never done Jillian 30 Day Shred - does it work? 5 out of 7 days with a wee babe?! This is awesome! You are building such a great strength foundation and you are in much better shape than you give yourself credit for!
