Two Songs on Repeat
1. Taylor Swift - Shake It Off.
Judge away. I love it and I love Taylor and have no shame. Guilty pleasure and proud of it. And I'd way rather have Bailey listen to something like Taylor Swift than songs about smoking pot or abusive relationships.
2. Megan Trainor - All About That Bass
Again. Some people hate this song. I love it. Get off me. It's catchy and fun. Why listen to music that isn't FUN? Life's too short. And again, I'd rather Bailey listen to something with a message about loving your body than glamorize stick thin models who just. don't. eat. And, ps- I listened to a few of her other songs and they're pretty good too.
Two Shows I'm Watching:
1. Scandal.
2. House of Cards.
I wasn't really sure if I would get into this show. I didn't watch West Wing and I'm not into politics. But, hot damn! This show is pretty good. It was slow to start and took like 3 or 4 episodes for me to get into it, but now I'm hooked. I'm watching it on Netflix (duh-- it's a Netflix show) and am about half way through season 2.
Two Things I'm Looking Forward to This Weekend:
1. Seeing Gone Girl Friday night!! WAHOO!! I read this book on the way back from our cruise on a whim (aka- I read all the books I brought on the actual cruise and ended up buying this one for WAY too much money in the airport so I wouldn't drive the Hubs crazy on the loooong, lay-over-filled way back). I wasn't thrilled with at first, but quickly couldn't put it down. Twisty and turns like WOAH! Loved it. I'm pumped to see the movie. Can't wait!
(Obviously it wouldn't be possible for the Hubs and I to have a date night to see Gone Girl without my wonderful and amazing in-laws and their bomb babysitting skills! THANK YOU!!)
2. Pretending to be a Purdue fan this weekend and going to the game on Saturday.
At a Purdue game, 2012
We try to go to one game a year and this will be Bailey's first game... sure, it's the wrong teams (GO ILLINI!!!), but it'll still be SO fun to go with the in-laws and have Bailey get to see all the college football hoopla.
Two Articles I Recently Read:
Very good read for women, whether dating or happily (or unhappily) married. My favorite part??
Fuck wondering if you're lovable. Fuck asking someone else, "Am I there yet?" Fuck listening for the answer. Fuck waiting, alone, for a verdict that never comes. Don't grow up to be one of those women with a perpetual question mark etched in her brow: Am I good? Am I lovable? Am I enough? You are here. Sit down. Feel your potential in this moment. You have accepted too little for too long. That is changing today. Breathe in. Draw a picture of yourself. Tape it to the wall, with the words: YOU ARE HERE. You are here. Cherish yourself.
Too many WONDERFUL women I know look to someone else to answer their questions. Look to someone else to tell them what to question, even. Look to someone else for everything. Fuck that. YOU ARE HERE. Be your own question and be your own answer.
Great read for married parents. My favorite parts??
"Sometime between when we were children and when we had children of our own, parenthood became a religion in America. As with many religions, complete unthinking devotion is required... Nothing in life is allowed to be more important than our children... Children always come first. In the 21st century, most Americans marry for love. We choose partners who we hope will be our soulmates for life. When children come along, we believe that we can press pause on the soulmate narrative, because parenthood has become our new priority and religion. Once our Gods have left us, we try to pick up the pieces of our long neglected marriages and find new purpose. Is it surprising that divorce rates are rising fastest for new empty nesters? Perhaps it is time that we gave the parenthood religion a second thought."
We all know-- I am OBSESSED with my child. I love her with every inch of me. She is me. She is the best parts of me. I made her. I genuinely LIKE my kid and love spending time with her. I MISS her when she sleeps. I'm excited to greet her each morning. I feel genuinely LUCKY and BLESSED to get her as a daughter and to get to spend as much time with her as I do. I feel proud to have the privilege of raising her.
Matt comes first. Our marriage comes first. Maybe not every, single day. I'm a grown up and understand that things eb and flow and different things take different positions on the priority ladder on different days. Being a Mom is the most important job in my life. But- our marriage is the most important thing in my life. Yes, I just said that out loud. I'm prepared for the backlash. Bring it.
No backlash - I agree. My sister and her hubby have always been good about making time for themselves. My parents didn't get it. I didn't either and then later I got it a bit more. Now that both of their kiddies are grown (18 & 20) I completely believe it was a very smart move on their part. They have a happy marriage, they have their own and collaborative interests and yes, they still love their kiddies. Their kids are happier too. AND that was a rockin' good article with Dear Polly. Loved it.