It's been a looooong week. And, it's only Wednesday. Ugh. My motivation is starting to slip and I'd rather sleep or just veg on the couch than run or spin or anything. I think it's time for some mid-week motivation a la Pinterest. Hey... can't hurt, right?!?!
(I would have tried to site all these, but let's be honest... nothing on Pinterest is the original anything, so I figured it was pointless.)
So hopefully tomorrow when the alarm starts yelling at me at the insane hour of 5am, I can channel this post and remember all this motivation and get up. Here's hoping.
I'm so happy Jillian Michaels thinks its ok to stop working out if you puke. A lot of people don't - and I think that's cray. Like I read in a pregnancy health magazine that this woman with morning sickness still ran, and puked along the side of the road, and kept going. Say what? Never ever!