Weekly Workout Summary: 2/9-2/15
Sunday, 2/9: Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred
Monday, 2/10: Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred
Monday, 2/10: Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred
Tuesday, 2/11: None... well, I did walk around the mall for 2 hours, for the sole purpose of moving... but, I don't think I'd count that as a true WORKOUT.
Wednesday, 2/12: 8-Minute Abs & 8-Minute Arms w/ 2-minute cardio bursts (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, plank jacks, jogging in place, etc.) every 3ish moves totalling 20 minutes cardio & 40 minute walk with Sadie while I was wearing Bailey
Thursday, 2/13 (first day back at work-- 1/2 day): 1/2 of 8-minute abs. Yep. You read right.
Friday, 2/14 (another 1/2 day at work): 20 minute walk with Sadie while I was wearing Bailey
Saturday, 2/15: 5.3 mile run & 20 minute walk w/ the Hubs and Sadie while I was wearing Bailey
Wahooo! Nice run lady!