2. I've run 3 times this week (Monday, Thursday, Friday) and averaged sub 9:00's for each run. Woah. Who am I?!?! The Hubs says I need to start accepting this as the new norm, instead of still thinking of myself as a 10:00 miler. Hmm... interesting. We'll see. Jury's still out.
3. I haven't talked much about this because.... well, I just don't really want to, but I have managed to drop a few pounds this marathon training cycle. This morning a pair of pants that haven't fit in over a year suddenly fit!
4. Someone walked in on me taking the above photo at the bathroom at work. Awesome.
5. We had an event at work that had boxed lunches. Ew. Why? The students got PIZZA. I got a bland turkey sandwich and potato salad? Pass. I did manage to eat about 3 cookies, though. Chocolate chip AND peanut butter in the same cookie?? Sold.
6. I just realized I won't be able to do this race this year.
It's a super small race in Grand Rapids that some friends and I ran last year. It's at night and you run through Christmas lights and it's just fun. I can't make it this year and I'm bummed.
7. My to-do list at work seems to growing exponentially. Danger. I LOVE being busy, so I'm not complaining... but, damn!
8. Eating: I'm dying to try this soup.
9. Wearing: I wish I had an occasion (and the money) to wear these shoes to. In pink, please!
10. Wearing (part 2): I'd also settle for these. You know, for a more casual occasion.
11. Listening to: I'm loving the Christina Perri Pandora station these days. It's mellow, but not sleep inducing. Lately, I can't get enough Sara Bareilles. Love her voice.
11. Reading: When I have a few down minutes at work, lately the first site I've been going to is http://www.dayoldnews.com/. You know I love me some celebrity gossip and this site focusing it all around fashion. Love. Done.
12. I'm sorry.... what?!? Why? Why is this necessary??
13. The Hubs and I have a date night planned tonight to cash in a Groupon for a local Thai place. I reallllly hope this cold starts to enter one of it's manic stages so I feel up for it. LOVE Pad Thai... and the company won't suck either.
14. I just realized I have 4 different types/sizes/colors of post-it pads on my desk. What is wrong with me? Why would anyone need this kinda variety? I wish I could say this is an odd thing, but if I had to guess, I'd say this is fewer than were there a week ago.
15. 10 days til the marathon. You know what that means. Let the weather forecast stalking begin! Not looking TOO bad right now... I'd take 60* and cloudy any day. The rain, yeaaaaah-- you can go ahead and keep that.