Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 - Let's Do This

Well, I suppose it’s that time again. The New Year is just around the corner, so I guess it's time to make the much loved (and rarely completed) New Year's Resolutions.

As I think about the upcoming year, it's hard to predict where life will take me. I foresee many changes, though I don't really know why and I have no real idea what they will be.

Looking forward to 2013 there's many things I hope to accomplish. I want to challenge myself and I want to grow as a person. Woah-- that sounded so phony and scripted. Meh... hokey? Yes. But, true. So, without further adieu, here's are my Top 10 2013 Resolutions...

#1: Run another marathon. I still haven't registered for #2, but will soon, I think. The "I WANNA DO ANOTHER ONE NOOOOW!!!!" feeling has faded a bit, but I know in the back of my mind that I want to see how I would do in another one.
#2: Try a new recipe at least twice a month. This may seem like nothing to some, and while I like to cook, I tend to get in ruts and cook the same thing over and over. Hopefully this will help me branch out a bit.

#3: Talk to the sisters at least once every other week. Sucks that we all live in different places so we don't get to see each other that often. I really wanna make an effort to TALK to them (texting is an added bonus but doesn't count as talking) at least once every other week.

#4: Strength train more. Yeah, yeah. It's so good for you. Bleah. I just prefer cardio SO MUCH MORE. But, I'm gonna try. I really am. I'm going to try to go to at least one Signature Strength class each week. I also want to try to do 8-minute Abs and 8-minute Arms at least once a week.

#5: Save more money. The Hubs and I are actually really good about this, but I think we can be a bit more intentional and do even better. I know I can. I can cut back on the random Starbucks runs and stops at Target. I can stop and think about if I REALLY need (or even want) that new shirt or if I'm just getting suckered into a sale.

#6: Visit at each of my BFF's at least once. One of my best friends lives in Kentucky, one lives in Ohio, one lives in Chicago, three live in Michigan... they just live all over!! I am seriously blessed in the friends department. They are the gratest girls out there. Seriously. Be jealous. Anyway, some of these amazing women I get to see relatively regularly, but I wanna be sure to go out to see each of them at least once this year.

#7: Try Crossfit. I don't think I'll drink the crossfit Kool-Aid (see #4), but I want to at least try it.

#8: Eat out less. It's hard to put a number limit on it because shit happens, but I'd like to TRY to eat out  NO MORE than 1 lunch during the work week, 1 dinner during work week, and 1 meal on weekends. This is a big one. The HUbs and I eat out more than we should. Not everyday by any means, but still more than we should. This'll help with goal #5 too. 

#9: Eat less shit. I mean... I'm never going to be an incredibly HEALTHY eater. I'm OK with that. Cheeseburgers and french fries are just too damn good. BUT, I could (& should) eat BETTER and eat shit less frequently. Not never. Just less often.

 #10: Run faster. I think I'm capable of running faster than I give myself credit for and I let myself get away with running slower because I think I'm a slow runner. That makes no sense and I know that. Somehow in my head it comes together. I need to get out of this cycle. I'd like to PR in the half-marathon (with an ultimate goal of sub 2:00) and in the full (with an ultimate goal of sub 4:10). To do these successfully I need to really focus on running and getting in a speed workout in each week.

And one more-- just for good measure... spend quality time with the Hubs. This is without a doubt the most important thing on this list... but, it's something I'm committed to doing constantly, so I don't really count it as a "New Year's Resolution" kinda thing.

So, that's that! 2012 was a fabulous year. But, I have a feeling there's even more amazingness to come. Bring it on, 2013.


  1. Awesome resolutions! I haven't completely solidified mine yet... but I love all of your's. I think they are completely doable and I totally agree with seeing friends more(!) as well as you being capable of running faster. You are already there! Keep up the fantastic work dear friend - can't wait to see what this year has in store for us!
