Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekly Workout Recap (12/31-1/6)

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Weekly Workout Recap (12/31-1/6):
Monday, 12.31.12: Rest/1.5 mile walk
Tuesday, 1.1.13: 11 mile run & 2 mile walk
Wednesday, 1.2.13: 60 minute spinning class & 60 min. elliptical & 3.33 mile run
Thursday, 1.3.13: 4 mile run
Friday, 1.4.13: 60 minute elliptical & 3 mile run
Saturday, 1.5.13: 6.5 mile run
Sunday, 1.6.13: Rest Day

Totals for Week (12/31-1/6):
27.83 Miles Run
1 Spinning Class
0 Signature Strength Classes
120 Minutes Elliptical

3.5 miles walk
2 Rest Days


I was off Monday and Tuesday, so my week was a little wonky. I went out on Monday to do a run, but it was so snowy and icy that I pretty much wiped out less than .1 mile in, so I called it and just took the dog for an extra long walk instead and called it a rest day. Got back to the gym routine on Wednesday, though Thursday had a doc appointment so went into work late, thus getting outta the routine again. Did get a run in that day, though, so I'll call it a slight win. Skipped a super long run this weekend. Just wasn't feeling it and don't really wanna turn running into a thing I HAVE to do, so decided to skip it. No regrets. I do plan to get a quality long run in this coming weekend though. Best part? It's because I WANT to. :)